How to Create the Dream Life You've Always Wanted

Step Into the Extraordinary Life You Deserve
Enroll in the DreamBuilder Program Now

Why Settle for “Good” When You Can Be “Exceptional”?

You might not realize it now, but you have the power within you, at this very moment in time, to create a life that you absolutely love.

Regardless of any circumstances or situations you might be facing, you have the ability to achieve the results you desire in EVERY area of your life, including time and money freedom, love and relationships, vocation, and health and well-being.

And although your life might seem good right now, wouldn’t you love for it to be exceptional? Imagine what that might look like for you…

What if Moving to the Next Level of Success Could Actually Be a Fun and Joyous Experience?

Would you be open to the idea that anything is possible? Because it truly is!

You might be surprised to learn that reaching the level of fulfillment and abundance you desire can actually be an invigorating and life-giving experience... instead of feeling like a lot of struggle, sacrifice and hard work.

  • If you’ve been successful in life, but still don’t feel entirely fulfilled…
  • If you’ve reached several of your biggest goals in life, but still long for more...
  • Or if you’re standing still because you’re not even sure how to move forward…

There’s a proven system of transformation – designed for people just like you – that you can follow in order to go from good to exceptional faster and more easily than you’ve imagined possible.

By the end of this 12 week course, you will have:

  • Installed a deep belief that anything is possible for you
  • Created a crystal-clear vision blueprint - the most powerful manifestation tool available
  • Built a new self-image to catapult you into greater results
  • Discovered exactly what is next for you and the action steps to set it into motion
  • Overcome fear and taken action to achieve your purpose
  • Acquired tools to take your thinking from “Maybe I can…” to “I’m doing this thing!”
  • and much more

You will receive:

  • Weekly comprehensive video trainings to watch on demand from Life Mastery Consultant Rachel Egbert
  • 12 week printable Lifework Guidebook to transform your trainings into action
  • Weekly attunement meditation  
  • Weekly Dive Deeper Video Training for additional insights and tools for your transformational journey
  • Lifetime access to all of your materials on your private member site
  • and much more

This is a 12 week program that will give you the missing puzzle pieces so you can stop wondering why your goals and dreams haven’t happened yet. You’re going to know exactly what you need to do to see results. And you’re going to have a crystal-clear vision that gives you direction moving forward and ensures that you create a life that is authentic and fulfilling for you.

My Breakthrough Moment...Good is the Enemy of Great.

I was living a good life - actually a really good life with good health, good relationships, good job, and good opportunities for freedom and travel. Compared to many other people, I'm living a great life.

But I felt the longing for something more - I wanted to have more vibrant health, better relationships, more purpose, and greater abundance and freedom. I wanted to make a bigger difference in this world.

One day, I came to the realization that I didn’t want my present good to be the enemy of my future great! I didn't want to be limited by comparing my dream life to what is acceptable to other people.


I learned about a woman who was teaching how to create a life of deeper purpose and satisfaction - and incredible results in health, relationships, vocation, and freedom. And she seemed to be doing it with joy and ease. So I decided to hire her as my mentor and learn all I could from her.

This decision wasn’t easy and it wasn’t convenient. Great opportunities rarely are. But I am so glad I took the plunge to work with her.

By applying what she taught me, my life began to transform. I saw that my limiting beliefs were keeping me stuck. I started to see a pattern - a system - for how my results were being created.

Learning how to operate in harmony with this system, I discovered how to BREAK THROUGH to ever-increasing levels of success in the four areas of life that matter most to me – health, relationships, vocation, and time and money freedom.

And the best part? This process was actually joyful, life-giving and FUN!



I am SO excited about these secrets to success, I decided to share them with everyone!

Witnessing first-hand just how powerful the principles of this program are when applied to my life, I wanted to share this proven system to help others live with purpose.

This is why I created this online DreamBuilder Program!

The DreamBuilder Program is a 12-week, online system of transformation that gives you the keys to fully design and create the life you’ve always dreamed of living, more quickly and easily than you ever imagined possible!

Inside the DreamBuilder Program, you'll discover exactly how to apply this proven, reliable, repeatable system to your own specific goals or dreams, step by step.

The program begins the MOMENT you enroll – you’ll receive your first module right away, containing an audio lesson, a downloadable guidebook and video teachings.

And then you’ll receive one new module each week over the course of 12 weeks!

Enroll in the DreamBuilder Program Now

I am committed to you creating a life you love living! This is why your investment is backed by a one-year satisfaction guarantee.

I want you to use the same success system I use!

You can experience the power of the DreamBuilder Program to transform your life in ways you never imagined possible. Many have experienced extraordinary results, such as:

- Achieving long-held dreams in a fraction of the time it takes most others – finally writing that book, running that race, traveling to that place they’ve always dreamed of visiting, finding their dream job, or starting or selling that business.

- An increase in financial abundance – being able to do what they want to do, have what they want to have and, most importantly, give what they truly want to give.

- Greater vocational success and satisfaction – increased meaning, fulfillment and FUN at work or in their business.

- Increased time freedom – feeling more empowered to say “YES” to family events, weekends away and being FULLY PRESENT with their loved ones.

- Closer, more loving relationships – finding the love of their lives, or elevating their current relationships to a higher frequency, resulting in deeper, closer, more supportive partnerships with increased fun and connection.

- Greater energy and vitality – making better decisions and feeling more empowered to impact their health and well-being, allowing them to do more of what they'd truly love to be doing!

Dr. Mavis Alaimalo

"Rachel possesses a heart as expansive as her vision for a better world. Her dedication to making a positive impact is evident in everything she does. Her love for people isn't just a trait; it's a driving force that has been instrumental in bringing together a mastermind group of five empowered women. Her energy, insight, and unwavering dedication to living and leading with purpose are truly inspirational. I am confident that she will infuse her new projects with the same passion and integrity that are the hallmarks of her life's work."

Marian Vance

 "I was needing an opportunity to learn and grow. I followed an advertisement in my local paper advertising such a class.  The class was full of other such seekers.  All strangers to each other but seeking the experience of learning through the group discussion and personal reflection of such a class.  Rachel provided this.  She knew what to say to stimulate conversation, encourage interaction and grow through intense individual study.   It was life changing for me. I finished the class with renewed optimism.  Rachel recognized the strengths and needs of all of us in the class.  She encouraged this personal growth. Rachel has remained a mentor and friend."

OK, I'm in! What's the investment?

The DreamBuilder Program – this proven, reliable, repeatable system of transformation – is normally $997, and it's worth every penny of that and way more.

However, to support as many people as possible, to support you in building your dream and creating a life you love, today I'm offering the entire DreamBuilder Program at 40% off of your normal investment. That makes the investment today just $497, and that includes all of the bonuses as well!

Price: $997   $497

Enroll in the DreamBuilder Program Now

Satisfaction Guarantee

I’m so confident that the lessons you’ll find inside the DreamBuilder Program will help you create a fuller, freer and more expansive life, that I invite you to try the program out for a full 365 days at no risk.

If you find that you’re unhappy with the program for any reason, simply let us know within 365 days (yes, that’s one year!), and I'll promptly and courteously refund your money to you, no questions asked. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

When You Enroll TODAY You’ll Receive 3 Bonus Gifts Valued at Over $3,000!

Bonus #1

Six “Deep Dive” Group Coaching Calls ($1,200 Value!)

On these LIVE group coaching calls that take place once every two weeks, you’ll receive answers to your DreamBuilder Program questions, as well as personalized coaching and expert mentorship on how to apply what you’re learning directly to your life.

Bonus #2

Empowerment Toolkit ($1000 Value!)

Discover the transformative power of our Empowerment Toolkit, designed to unlock your full potential through enhanced decision-making skills and paradigm-shattering strategies. Elevate your growth in all areas with a curated collection of resources, empowering you to live with confidence and inspire lasting change.

Bonus #3

Access to Bonus Resource Library ($1,000 Value!)

This Bonus Resource Library is designed to complement your learning experience and elevate your personal growth to new heights! Dive deeper into your inner world with these additional video and written content, guided meditations, and recorded coaching calls archive.

Bonus #3

Access to Our Private Destiny by Design Program Facebook Group ($500 Value!)

Here you’ll receive inspiration, support and encouragement from other success-minded people just like you, and you’ll experience the heartwarming satisfaction of being able to contribute to this community of dream-builders, as well!

Your life is a precious gift – you’ve been given the power to make it a masterpiece!

 Legendary author and teacher, Bob Proctor, said, “Most people don’t live 90 years, they live the same year 90 times.”

Enroll in the DreamBuilde Program now, and you’ll receive access to a proven, reliable and repeatable system of transformation that people around the world have already used to create a life they truly love living… and now it’s your turn!

We only get so many tomorrows. Your time is NOW.

So go ahead and say “YES” to your dreams, and “YES” to a proven system and a support structure for designing a life of greater love, happiness, abundance and fulfillment!

Click on the button below now, and let’s get started!

Enroll in the DreamBuilder Program Now

I am committed to you creating a life you love living! This is why your investment is backed by a one-year satisfaction guarantee.

My vision is to help you bring your biggest dream into reality. As stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with my ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, expertise, the action you take and the service you provide to others. Any testimonials, financial numbers mentioned in emails or referenced on any of our web pages should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only, as I’m sure you understand. That being said, I believe in you and I am here to support you in making the changes you want for your life and giving you methods, strategies, and ideas that will help move you in the direction of your dream.